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I offer private and small group-class technique workshops that address the specific concerns of each participant, with respect to their age and experience. Workshops vary in composition, duration, frequency, and intensity, depending on the goals of the participants, and can be tailored for beginner, intermediate, or advanced players. I generally recommend these workshops for students aged 6 and up.

Playing Piano


Are you interested in significantly improving your technique without committing to ongoing lessons? Would you prefer a complete and thorough overhaul, or just slight touch-ups? Is there a piece of music you've always wanted to play, but have never felt "good enough?" Do you have sections of learned repertoire that refuse to cooperate, no matter how much you practice? If so, would you like to fix only these “problem spots” for an upcoming performance, or instead focus on addressing the underlying causes?


The most common technical pitfalls include unevenness of tone, rhythm, and articulation throughout scales, arpeggios, chords, octaves, double-notes, trills, tremolos, and during passages that require particular independence of the fingers. Poor accuracy when “jumping” from one area of the keyboard to another is also common. Physical tension, a precursor of restricted movement at the keyboard, can often decrease the odds of success as performance speeds increase. But why leave success up to chance? These and other such issues can be remedied by synchronizing specific fine movements and broad gestures of the fingers, wrists and arms, throughout repertoire in all genres.

Piano Performance
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